Pastoral Care & Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer. Prayer is at the heart of a relationship with God; as we communicate with Him we express and experience the reality of God in our lives.

Prayer communication is a two way street. We talk to God and He talks to us. We don’t just bring our cares, worries, frustrations to Him, but He speaks to us, revealing Himself to us through prayer. There may have been times when we have puzzled over how a certain thing was going to work out in our lives but through prayer God can calm our fear of uncertainty and answer our requests, further building trust in Him. He helps us recognize all things are possible when we believe Him. He gives rest to those who seek Him wholeheartedly through prayer.

Opportunities for prayer

If you would like us to pray for something particular, you are welcome to come and pray with someone after the service on a Sunday morning. We’d love to see you and pray with you. Alternatively you can contact Rev Marc Terry, and we will make sure that we pray for you for at least 2 weeks.

Pastoral Care Visiting

In many communities, people will often take care of each other. But sometimes there is a need for something else. Perhaps to talk to someone that you don’t know so well, or that you know can be confidential or discreet. In the By Brook Benefice we have a team of Lay Pastoral Assistants who are available to visit you if you would like them to. Pastoral care is where people offer help and care to others in their church or wider community, and is about listening, supporting and encouragement.

We can’t offer counselling, but we can point you towards people who can help if you would like us to. If you would like to receive a visit from one of our Pastoral Care Team, or would like someone to contact you for a chat on the phone, please contact Rev Marc Terry, who will arrange for one of the pastoral care volunteers to contact you.

You don’t have to attend church regularly to receive prayer or a visit. Pastoral care is available for all.